Andrew Miller's Vizify Bio


This page is a collection of some definitions for terms I use on the blog:

Refers to a security that costs less than or equal to H$15.00/Share

Refers to a security that costs between H$15.01 and H$99.99 per Share (inclusive).

Refers to a security that costs H$100.00 or more per Share.

ROI - Return on Investment
When calculating for a past period of time, the the formula used is:
 (currentPrice - previousPrice)/previousPrice

dROI - Daily Return on Investment
When calculating for a past period of time, the dROI is averaged, using the formula:
When calculating delist prices for the future, the dROI is compounded daily, using the formula:
(1 + dROI)^#Days * CurrentPrice = DelistPrice

If there are other terms I should toss on here feel free to leave a comment down below!

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