Andrew Miller's Vizify Bio

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Volume I, Issue XIV "IN3D" & "AFRAM"

The [IN3D] Fund

The 3D Fund has grown from H$69.94 to H$83.88 (H$13.94, 19.93%, 0.66%dROI) over the last 30 days. The fund is currently only 49.5% invested, without accounting for profits tied up in shorted securities. The fund holds shares in [CROOD] and [GIJO2], and held shares in [OZTGP] until it delisted. The fund is radaring [IRNM3], [EPIC], [TREK2] and [GATSB], which gives the investor a reasonable idea where the loose funds may end up being invested. A little over 20% of the fund is invested in Star Bonds, many of which are attached to [IRNM3] and should adjust up significantly in the next couple of months. The fund only holds 2 Small-Cap securities, both Star Bonds, and a majority of the fund's positions are Mid-Cap securities (80%). The fund holds only three Movie Stocks with signifcant shares, ([CROOD], [GIJO2] and [JP3D) and after [JP3D] adjusts, it may be slow going until May. Because Star Bonds only make up 20% of the fund's investments, even at 1.00% dROI, they would only grow the fund at 0.20% dROI. Because of the size of the fund, finding large volumes of Star Bonds with better dROI than 1.00% will be difficult. Below is the current investment chart. (Not pictured are the two Derivatives the Fund holds, [JP3D.PU] Short) & [OZTGP.BW] (Long))

The Fund's top 10 investments consist of 3 Movie Stocks (metioned above) and 7 Star Bonds. In aggregate the investments make up 41.9% of the fund's value, and so account for nearly all invested funds. Interestingly, the fund only hold 75k shares of [CROOD], which makes me suspect the fund may be holding a certain volume of H$ free for investment in day-trading or positions on some of the extremely expensive summer block busters. A survey of the Star Bonds they are all being held correctly for their next adjust. The average dROI on the starbonds works out to 0.32%, with the first adjust being in late May. The top 10 investments are listed below.

If the fund continues to grow at its current pace (0.66% dROI), it would delist on 4/27/13. If the fund grows at its rate since IPO (1.75% dROI) it would delist in just 10 days on 4/11/13. If the fund struggles to gain traction after [JP3D], and only maintains a 0.40% dROI, it would delist on 5/13/13.

The [AFRAM] Fund

The African American Fund 2 has grown from H$41.85 to H$48.65 (H$6.80, 16.25%, 0.54%dROI) over the past 30 days. The fund is 70.8% invested, not counting profits tied up in shorted securities.The fund was able to play [GIJO2] and [TMRGC] this past weekend and grew significantly based on the decisions made by the fund manager. Because the fund manager does not radar stocks (and to a lesser extent because I'm too lazy to really, really dig into it), it is difficult to know exactly where the fund will go next, but I've got some ideas. I expect the fund to take positions on [42] (Historical), [SCAR5] ([SDOGG] [BWOW]), [OBLVN] ([MFREE]), [IRNM3] ([DCHEA]), and [WEPEP] ([TPERR] [CROBI]) in the coming month. Any wany you slice it, that is a lot of investment opprotunity for this fund, and the growth outlook is great. The fund's investments are concentrated in Mid-Cap securities, the account for 38.8% of the fund's value (54% of invested assets). Movie Stocks account for 56.1% of the fund's value, and Star Bonds make up 14.7%. The fund's current investment chart is shown below. (Not pictured are 2 derivaties, [IDTHF.BW] (Long) & [HANIBL] (Long))

The fund's top 10 investments account for 55.0% of its value, and almost half of that is [GIJO2]. The top 10 investments consist of 5 Movie Stock and 5 Star Bonds. Two of the Movie Stocks are currently in release, and may or may not be held until Delist. I imagine the fund manger will 'Cover' their shares of [GIJO2] in order to invest in some of the securities coming up later in the month. The five Star Bonds average 0.37% dROI, with the next adjust coming 4/23. All five of the Star Bonds are being held the correct direction. The top 10 investment chart is below.

If the fund contiunes to grow at 0.54% dROI, it would delist on 9/10/13. If it manages to maintin its dROI since IPO (0.97%) it would delist on 7/1/13. If the fund struggles and only achies a 0.24% dROI, its delist date would be 3/16/14. I would expect that with the plethera of movies coming out the fund can invest in, something inbetween 0.60% and 0.80% is most likely.

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